Once upon a time there was a king name Midas who was a foolish and greedy man. He wanted to be the richest man in the world. All he care about was gold and gold and gold…
He sent his tax collector into the kingdom to do his gold gathering for him. As he grew richer and richer his people grew poorer and poorer.
One day an old satyr came to King Midas' palace. Midas recognised him as Silenus, a friend of the god Dionysus.
Instead of sending Silenus away King Midas invited him to stay and enjoy his hospitality.
The god Dionysus was pleased Midas had helped his friend and offered to grant Midas a wish.
King Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Then he would be the richest man in the world.
Although Dionysus tried to dissuade him, Midas insisted that the wish was an excellent one, and it was granted!
The god kept his promise and sure enough, everything Midas touched turned to gold. Excitedly, Midas went about touching all sorts of things, turning them into gold. He went round his palace using his new power.
Soon Midas became hungry. He picked up a piece of food, but he couldn't eat it. "I'll starve. All food and wine turned to gold when I touched it!, I couldn't eat or drink." moaned Midas.
And when Midas' beloved daughter, seeing his dismay, threw her arms about him to comfort him, and, she too turned to gold! "The golden touch is no blessing, perhaps this was not such a good wish after all!"
Midas begged Dionysus to remove the spell. Dionysus told Midas how he could get rid of the gift.